Orange Peels

Orange Peels
With the Neo Curves Ruler you won’t need never again paper templates or an acrylic template for each size. Now, you can make orage peels blocks from 1″ to 12″ with just one ruler. Learn how here!
Get your Neo Curves Ruler, if you still don’t have it!
This tutorial show how to make a 7″ finished orange peels block, with 1/4″ and with 1/2″ seam allowance. You can adapt the instructions to your chosen size.
It also shows how to cut the concave pieces from different fabrics and from the same piece of fabric.
What’s the Orange Peel Block
Orange Peel Quilt blocks is a square block with a leaf shape in the centre, sandwiched between 2 curved corners on either side.
An Orange Peel Quilt is a quilt made up of orange peel blocks.
- Neo Ruler features finished sizes.
- Seam allowances for curves are 1/4″ and seam allowances for edges can be 1/4″, 1/2″ or other!
- If you have never used the Neo Ruler you can check the Main Instrctions to learn all their possibilities.
- This tutorial shows how to make an Orange Peel block at 7″ finsihed block, with 1/4″ and 1/2″ edge seam allowance. It also shows 2 different ways to cut the rounded corners. Adapt this instructuctions to your chosen size and needs.
Fabric Requirements
Check the tables below to know the fabric pieces you need to cut the peel piece and concave sides pieces depending on the size, method and edge seam allowance chosen.
Desired finished size indicated as X (Ex: X = 7″) Square: sq.
Let’s cut!
Follow the instructions below to cut the central peel shape and for the two outer corners choose the directions depending on the edge seam allowance and the if you prefer to cut from one fabric or two.
- Peel, with 1/4″ inner seam allowance.
- Outer corners.
- Outer corner, with 1/4″ inner seam allowance from 2 pieces.
- Outer corner, with 1/4″ inner seam allowance from 1 piece.
- Outer corner, with 1/2″ inner seam allowance from 2 pieces.
- Outer corner, with 1/2″ inner seam allowance from 1 piece.
Cut a piece of fabic squared of the size indiecated in the table above depending on the final orange peel size block.
In this example we want a 7″ final block so we cut a 7 1/2″ square.
Lay the fabric to be cut with the Neo Curver Ruler over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the 2 central edges lines (horizontal/vertical) marcked with the 1/4″ s.a. (seam allowance). Notice the green arrown over the imamge.
Cut by the black 7″ convex simbol slot (indicated with a red circle ).
Reserve the convex piece to cut again. Discard the corner piece.
Rotate the convex piece 180º and lay it on the cutting mat to be cut again.
Place the Neo ruler over the fabric aligning the top right corner with the 7″ blue number and cut by the 7″ concave slot symbol.
Discard teh corner.
Remember the peel piece has 1/4″ seam allowance in all its sides.
Reserve the peel piece to be joined to the outer corners.
Outer corner _ 1/4″ s.a. _ 2 pieces
Fabric neeed: two (2) squared pieces of fabric of the size indicated in the table above depending on the final orange peel size block and seam allowance desired.
Example: Two (2) 7 1/2″ square needed for a 7″ Orange Peel finisehd block with 1/4″ seam allowance..
Lay the fabric to be cut with the Neo Curver Ruler over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines. Notice the green arrown over the imamge.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot (indicated with a red circle ).
Reserve the concave piece which will be one outer corner. Discard the convex piece.
Repeat it again with the other piece of fabric.
Outer corner _ 1/4″ s.a. _ 1 piece
Fabric neeed: one (1) squared pieces of fabric of the size indiecated in the table above depending on the final orange peel size block and seam allowance desired.
Example: One (1) 8″ square needed for a 7″ Orange Peel finisehd block with 1/4″ seam allowance..
Lay the fabric to be cut with the Neo Curver Ruler over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines. Notice the green arrown over the imamge.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot (indicated with a red circle ).
Reserve the concave piece to cut again. Discard the convex piece.
Reserve the covex piece to be cut again in the next step.
Rotate 180º the concave piece like shown and lay it over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot.
Reserve the concave piece which will be the outer corner.
Outer corner _ 1/2″ s.a. _ 2 pieces
Fabric neeed: two (2) squared pieces of fabric of the size indicated in the table above depending on the final orange peel size block and seam allowance desired.
Example: Two (2) 7 3/4″ square needed for a 7″ Orange Peel finisehd block with 1/2″ seam allowance..
Lay the fabric to be cut with the Neo Curver Ruler over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the dotted line at right of the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot.
Reserve the concave piece which will be one outer corner. Discard the convex piece.
Repeat it again with the other piece of fabric.
Outer corner _ 1/2″ s.a. _ 1 piece
Fabric neeed: one (1) squared pieces of fabric of the size indiecated in the table above depending on the final orange peel size block and seam allowance desired.
Example: One (1) 8 1/2″ square needed for a 7″ Orange Peel finisehd block with 1/2″ seam allowance.
Lay the fabric to be cut with the Neo Curver Ruler over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the dotted line at the right of the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot.
Reserve the concave piece.
Reserve the covex piece to be cut again in the next step.
Rotate 180º the concave piece like shown and lay it over the cutting mat.
Place the ruler over the fabric aligning it with the dotted line at the right of the inner horizontal/vertical 7″ concave blue lines.
Cut by the blue 7″ concave simbol slot.
Reserve the concave piece which will be the outer corner.
Discard the peell piece.
Ornage Peel Assembly
Outer edges _ 1/4″ s.a.
Join one of the outer corners to the peel piece. For that, use your curver sewing preferred method or follow next steps:
- Fold in half both pieces creating a crest.
- Place the outer corner piece over the peel and match the central crest as well as the beginning and ending points.
- Hold the 2 fabric togeter with neadles, clips, glue. Or do not hold them and use dht non pin curves sewing method.
- Sew all the curve at 1/4″ away from the edge.
- Open the 2 fabrics and iron pres the seam. A clapper is very useful!
Do the same with the other outer corner.
Orange Peel block is done and ready to be joined to other pieces witha 1/4″ seam allowance.
Share your creations witht he Neo Curves Rulers with the hashtag #neocurvesruler and remember to tag me @amararstudio !
Outer edges _ 1/2″ s.a.
Join one of the outer corners to the peel piece. For that, use your curver sewing preferred method or follow next steps:
- Fold in half both pieces creating a crest.
- Place the outer corner piece over the peel and match the central crest as well as the beginning and ending points.
- Hold the 2 fabric togeter with neadles, clips, glue. Or do not hold them and use dht non pin curves sewing method.
- Sew all the curve at 1/4″ away from the edge.
- Open the 2 fabrics and iron pres the seam. A clapper is very useful!
Do the same with the other outer corner.
Using a ruler with more than 7″ on 2 perpendicuar sides, trim right and top side to 1/4″ away from the tip of the peel.
Rotate the block 180º and do the same for the other 2 sides.